Custom Mouth Guards
Custom Night Guards
It’s estimated that close to 20% of adults suffer from the negative effects of grinding and clenching their teeth, often called bruxing. The main cause of bruxing is stress. Clenching and grinding not only causes excessive wear on your teeth, but it can also cause facial and neck muscle soreness, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) problems, arthritis pain and dysfunction.
Dr. Brian Y. Lee can fit you with a night guard – a plastic mouthpiece that fits over your upper and lower teeth – to lessen the damaging effects of clenching or grinding your teeth. Night guards can also correct your bite by properly positioning the teeth.
Custom Snore Guards
A snore guard is an oral appliance that is effective in treating snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Small and flexible, a snore guard resembles an athletic mouthpiece and has no moving parts, masks, hoses or batteries. Made from sterile thermoplastic, a snore guard can be easily cleaned with a regular toothbrush.